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sparking conscious conversations.


Updated: Jul 14, 2023

As we expand our shop, we expand our community + our mission to spark conscious conversations.

Sparking conscious conversations is more than a tag line for lucid.ladybug. It means sharing our story. Our experiences. Our passions + dreams. Heart + soul— with the people who grace our space.

I had the honor of sharing a bit of my story last weekend with the women at Sicklerville UMC. The tribe that helped raise me.

Alongside my mom Janette, I led a health + wellness workshop—focusing on conscious living and the power of breathwork & movement in our daily lives.

Before starting lucid.ladybug, I was a Broadway actress. It was a true privilege to travel the world with my theatre career — working alongside folks from all backgrounds + walks of life.

As a professional dancer + singer I had to learn how to show up 100% everyday — physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually. 8 shows a week. No matter the circumstance.

{Being mindful + aware of our physical bodies helps us balance our thoughts, emotions, & day to day tasks.}

I'd love to share some of my thoughts on the power of presence- the power of breathwork + movement. Below are my notes from last weekend's workshop.

Quality of Thoughts

How are you starting your day?

{Slamming the alarm button, jumping right into phone, the tv, the news, your negative thought loop in the shower, today’s trending issue, agenda, to-do list, etc.}

{Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind}

How are you speaking to yourself?

{Negative self-talk, hate speech, guilt, resentment, discouragement, etc.}

{Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones}

How we start our day + how we speak to ourselves shows up in our physical body. Holding negative thoughts + energy leads to tension, ailments, sickness, mood swings, anxiety, addiction, depression, etc.

Becoming conscious of our negative loops and patterns allows us to get out of our heads and into our physical bodies. Filtering our thoughts like we filter our breath — In and out. In and out— allows us an opportunity to cleanse our mind, body + soul.

Helpful Practices.

  • Cultivate a morning routine — time for yourself to get silent, get centered + get conscious.

  • Write it out — get your thoughts out of your head + on physical paper. Start by writing five things your grateful for everyday. Before you touch your phone, turn on the coffee pot, wake the baby— write it out.

  • Not sure where to start? Read Ann Voskamp’s, One Thousand Gifts. Looking for more of a challenge: The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.

  • Keep your yoga mat next to your bed + title your alarm clock something encouraging to start your day. Word. Phrase. Verse. Mantra. Prayer.

Quality of Nourishment

Taking care of our physical bodies allows us to show up as the men + women God called us to be - firmly planted, strong, centered and present.

Is what you’re consuming helping or hindering your presence? Your ability to show up for the people you love in your life every day...

Consider utilizing God’s green earth to nourish your temple & eat the rainbow. Life is all about balance - balance your plate.

Treat yourself as if you are someone meant to care for yourself. {Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you…}

Helpful Practices.

  • Consider food as fuel — how can I fuel my vessel to be the best version of myself today? What fuel do I need to support my day? When is the best time of day to fuel body? How should I jump start my vessel in the morning?

  • If you're reading this you probably live in the garden state, or close to it— what a blessing! shop local, support local farmers, growers + makers! Choose whole foods over processed foods. Organic when possible.

  • Consume consciously — where you spent your dollar carries weight. Supporting local farmers keeps your dollars within your community. Visit your local butcher, fish market, amish market, produce stand.

  • Keep basics in the house — fruits + veggies, meats + fish, rice, oil & vinegars, mustards, garlic + ginger, spices + seeds are your friends!

Quality of Breath

Often we take the breath for granted. We don’t even notice it’s happening. Breath is a gift from God. {“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!”}

What if we took some time to notice our breath? Notice the quality. What happens when we focus solely on the breath?

Filtering out the stale air - negativity - allows poison to release from your cells + mind.

Breath is always with you. There to ground you + plant you in the present moment.

Consider the quality of the air you are literally breathing in. Take time to get outside — pump fresh air to purify your lungs and refresh your body + spirit. Sunshine exposure is the purest form of Vitamin D.

Helpful Practices.

  • Using breath to center yourself during moments of anxiety/stress.

  • House plants — great way to filter your air inside your home!

  • Move your bones— walking, running, dancing, stretching, laughing - etc! YouTube is an amazing + free resource for movement + breathwork.

  • Notice the quality of the products in your home— what chemicals are you cleaning with? Spraying in the air? Using on your clothes, your body, etc.? Begin to notice the ingredients on the back of labels — just take time to become aware of hormone disruptors.

Nourish our breath. Nourish our bodies. Nourish our brain. We hope to share more of what we love + where we are traveling with you all. As we expand our shop, we expand our community + our mission to spark conscious conversations.

Encouraging you to focus on the magic that surrounds you each + every day.

xo, Meghan


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